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Showing posts from March, 2023

International Day of Happiness: Spreading Joy and Positivity Around the World

Happiness is a universal goal that transcends all cultures and societies. It is the ultimate human aspiration that we all strive for, whether it is through personal achievements, relationships, or meaningful experiences. To recognize the importance of happiness in our lives, the United Nations declared March 20th as the International Day of Happiness, a day dedicated to spreading joy and positivity around the world. The International Day of Happiness was first celebrated in 2013, after the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution recognizing the pursuit of happiness as a fundamental human goal. Since then, the day has been celebrated annually, with a different theme each year. The theme for the International Day of Happiness 2023 is "Keep Happiness Alive." This year's theme is particularly relevant given the global pandemic that has affected people's mental health and well-being. The goal of this theme is to encourage people to focus on the positive aspect